I must not forget to mention that I probably wouldn't be up to this challenge without my mums help. I commute to London every day by train and my mum, probably the most amazing mum in the world, has a beautiful hot dinner waiting for me when I get home. As you can probably tell, I love my food way too much to go hungry, so we've gone through lots of recipes to make, I'm hoping to feature these on my blog as the weeks go on.
The rules
No food containing gluten;
No food containing sugar (or sweetener)
I know this is going to sound like cheating, but I've allowed myself two days off over this six week period (go on, please?). These two days have been booked in already and I won't enjoy them unless I can eat what's there. They are:
2nd March - trip to the coast with Olly
9th March - my sister in law's baby shower (afternoon tea themed)
So here goes nothing...